Tuesday 4 September 2012

Churford Orcs Vs. Blitzkrieg Allstars

Under overcast skies and with a heavy fall of rain, the Churford Orcs met the Blitzkrieg Allstars at the Blitzbowl. With the defeat of the Allstars by Brutal Deluxe still ringing in their ears, and with the Orcs still on a high from their defeat of the Mooning Angels, it’s a game that only one of the teams looked keen to play.
            The teams lined up, the Allstars looking uncomfortable in the wet conditions while the Orcs seem happy pushing each other over in the mud, or kicking it at each other. The referee blows the whistle, and the half begins. A long kick by thrower Karl Hood passes over the lines gracefully, while down below the melee begins. A heavy tackle from Basher Jenkins puts Grish Gut Gutter onto the soggy pitch, shaking his head to clear the fuzziness. The melee continues with Blug Basher stunning Sven Skornberg with an elbow to the face, as Big Ugg Lee Bugga throws Allstars Captain and blitzer Alvin Tanner to the ground. Gazgul Chukka picks up the ball and runs forwards, passing it to Trickie Mikki who dodges around the Allstars line and makes a dash for the endzone.  Faran Groper pounds after him and tries to blitz him but grabs nothing but thin air as Mikki continues his run. Lee Bugga takes a swing at Grimble Headcrusher, the Allstars Ogre, stunning him and sending him to the ground with a force that shakes the small wooden stadium. With the Allstars’ lines in disarray it’s a plain sail to the endzone for Mikki as he scores the first touchdown of the game, and his fourth in two games!
            The side’s face off again and the whistle blows. The lines crash together hard, and for the second time in as many minute Lee Bugga takes out Grimble Headcrusher with a terrific blow to the head! It takes all the Blitzbowl’s stewards to drag that one off the pitch! Scheister attempts to pick up the ball and fumbles in the wet, firing the ball away from him as the crowd laughs at his misfortune. He makes a second grab, this time successfully picking up the ball and making a dash along the wing. He charges fast, trying to speed up and instead causing himself to trip, fumbling the ball as he skids across the grass.
            Bodvar Nacht lands a nasty block on Skar Face, badly hurting him and leaving him with a lasting reminder of the game. He’s likely to feel that for the rest of his career! As Sheister gets back to his feet he comes face to face with Lee Bugga, who slams him to the ground, leaving him stunned. Solax the smasher lives up to his name, smashing Big Dave Thickskull in the face and stunning him. Flash Grotzil scoops up the ball and attempts to pass it off, instead loosing the wet ball and fumbling it. In an attempt to get to the ball Hood charges forward, tripping and stunning himself as the half time whistle blows leaving the Churford Orcs leading one touchdown to nil.
            The whistle blows for the second half and the sides collide again. A rock is thrown from the crowd, hitting Mikki in the face and sending him to the green. Lineman Joachin ‘the distracted’ Scholz stuns the crowd by knocking out Skar Face. Schiester grabs the ball from the turf and starts his run to the wing as Tanner finds himself alone and facing off with two black orcs and Lee Bugga. Big Dave stuns Blug Basher while Schiester continues to run, trying to find a way through the Churford lines. As Tanner tastes turf, Le Bugga moves across the pitch, swatting Scheister off his feet and into the crowd where he is beaten almost triumphantly! The crowd turf the ball back onto the pitch where it is swiped up by Gazgul. Grut Kars tries to dodge out the way of Groper, who manages to distract him with a quick fondle, leaving the confused orc stumbling until he falls to the grass.
            Black orc Umpa Stumper delivers swift green retribution to Big Dave, planting him in the face with an armoured green fist and stunning him. Gazgul throws the ball which is intercepted by Joachim in his second great play of the game. Lee Bugga continues on form, stunning Judas as Flash Grotznil KO’s Karl Hood with a terrific blitz before charging towards Joachim and tripping over his own feet. Joachim keeps up his pace, trying to reach the endzone, instead tripping on a dropped piece of armour, badly hurting himself and fumbling the ball. The stretcher bearers run on to carry him from the pitch, ending his run of good luck as Mikki picks up the ball and turns, heading straight for the Allstars endzone.
            As the Allstars and Orcs continue in the scrum, the ball is popped loose from Mikki and picked up by Wolfe Lodbrook who tries to throw it back up the lines to Joachim. An incredible Interception by Ug Holdik who throws the perfect throw! Solax catches the ball and starts towards the Allstars endzone. Seeing the referee raising his whistle Grut Kars lays the boot in, stunning the already prone Dave Thickskull. The whistle blows giving the Orcs their second victory of the season!